[Updated 2/16/2023] In October of 2022, Roland announced that they would be discontinuing support for their “Piano Every Day” app at the end of December, 2022. Piano Every Day was the control app for the following Roland pianos: LX708, LX706, LX705, HP704, HP702, RP701, F701, FP-90X, FP-60X and FP-30X. In February of 2023, Roland announced that they would transition away from another popular app: “Piano Partner 2.” Piano Partner 2 was the control app for these Roland Pianos: The HP-600 Series, RP-102, GP607, GP609. This means that – as of February, 2023 – ALL current model Roland pianos and most recent (discontinued) models are now compatible with Roland’s powerful new app…
The new app is simply titled “The Roland Piano App” and it contains much of the functionality users enjoyed with “Piano Every Day” and “Piano Partner 2.” Also free for iOS or Android, the new app has been completely redesigned to streamline the user experience and simplify operation. There are two ways to navigate the app – scrolling down through the various modules or pressing the “sandwich menu” (three lines) in the upper right-hand corner. This menu gives you quick access to the different modules. “The Roland Piano App” will also add access to the “Roland Cloud” program – a feature popular with Roland stage keyboard and arranger users. The cloud feature will include extra music (300 songs at launch) with interactive features, and a monthly fee starting at $2.99/mo. Other changes include the ability to see high-resolution music in both portrait and landscape mode, the inclusion of a new “traditional” metronome, a built-in PDF copy of your piano’s user manual (when you register and sign in) and new graphics for the digital flashcards games. Recording is also a bit different on this app as “The Roland Piano App” cannot see or manipulate files on a USB flash drive. There are also four different folders onboard the app in which saved recordings can abide… so finding the song you are looking for can be a bit tricky. Thankfully, naming and writing descriptions for your songs are vastly improved here. That will help quite a bit. The new app is available here for download.
Roland has said they are working on adding more music to the (primarily classical) “Roland Cloud” library, but there is no eta on that new music at this time. …and – though users will no longer be able to purchase sheet music from Sheet Music Direct through the app – any previously purchased music will be transferable to the new app.
To help your transition, we have created a tutorial video detailing nearly all of the new app’s features. Of course, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to help you! Enjoy!
Will the new app be limited to the models listed for the old app? I have an HP605, which is not listed above among those for which the current app works.
Hi, John! That’s a great question. No. The new app will eventually take over the world. Roland says that – in the immediate future – the new app will replace Piano Every Day (ie – any Roland piano that is compatible with PED will work with the new app right away). That is the list they are currently showing. Your piano is compatible with Piano Partner 2. Keep an eye on the horizon. Soon, there will be an update that will allow The Roland Piano App to replace Piano Partner 2 as well. I don’t yet know if that will be a firmware update on your piano (I suspect it will be) or an update to The Roland Piano App, but there is an update coming! Roland’s goal is to have all their piano products using the same control app. Stay tuned!
It would be great if the new app took the place of the dreadful Piano Partner 2 — an app which is my greatest disappointment with my Roland Piano. I have the RP501, and love it, but can’t use the features promised by the Piano Partner 2. Even though I’ve used the manual and Roland’s support center, I can’t get PP2 to work, nor can I make things work through the onboard commands. The piano itself is great, and I’ve added Pianoteq, external speakers, and an AirTurn Duo sheet music turner to control the pedals, but it’s sad how little value I’ve gotten from many of the piano’s capabilities. I’ve felt totally abandoned by Roland. Getting an improved app would make a big difference to me, because I’d like to use some of the learning capabilities that are currently unavailable to me.
Hi, Barbara! So sorry to hear you’re having problems with your Roland. I wish you’d bought it from Riverton! Our Roland Owner’s Club prevents those kinds of frustrations and helps you learn all the features of your piano for life! In fact, you might check out the video we did on Piano Partner 2: https://youtu.be/mBKZYDSmC8g
That said, I am happy to report that The Roland Piano App WILL be replacing Piano Partner 2 at some point in the future. Piano Every Day’s support ends December 31 and I suspect they will close our PP2 in 2023. Keep an eye open! …and make sure you check out the video above!
It looks really interesting I’m just wondering if you can record your performance while you have an accompaniment going. And can you upload an original song into your library, thanks, Joanna
Hi, Joanana! Thanks for your question. The app’s built-in recorder only captures your performance. If you are playing along with a song from your library, etc., it will only record the part you play. However, if your piano has a USB flash drive that can record in AUDIO format (or if you want to run a USB cable from the piano to your notebook and use audio recording software), you can record both the part you are playing and the background rhythms in the audio recording. Finally, you can upload original music if your piano has a USB flash drive port with read/write access (RP-701 and up). Just put your original song (in MIDI file format) to your piano’s internal memory and you will be able to play it in the app. I hope that helps!
Hello, I am wondering how can I (can I?) transpose songs from library? Are they interactive enough to do so similarly to yamaha smart pianist which has this feature? I mean tranposing exactly music sheets not the piano itself.
Hi, Laura! Yes. You absolutely can transpose songs from both the built-in library and from The Roland Cloud. They are MIDI files so they are very interactive. Enjoy!
I’m using Roland Fp90x I want to write a song but I can’t record and download it, is there a way to download it? If there isn’t, can you add it to the next update? It will help a lot of people
Hi, Popo, and thanks for your question. You certainly CAN record a song on the FP-90x and save it to your USB flash drive. Just insert a USB flash drive into the piano, press the record button, and record away. You can also connect your FP-90X to a computer with USB and record directly to your computer. You just can’t export anything you record in the Roland Piano App. It’s something we hope they change in the future, but you definitely have other options now! Best of luck to you!
Do I have to have an active Roland Cloud paid membership in order to sign into the Roland Piano App? I’ve had difficulty signing in but when I started the membership free trial then the app signed me in without issue.
Hi, Nnenna! No. You don’t have to have an active Roland Cloud paid membership to sign into the Roland Piano App. You do, however, need an active internet connection. I assume things got easier when you signed up for the Roland Cloud because you were expecting to be online while using it. Best of luck!
Thank you!
My pleasure! Thanks for saying hello!
I have an RP-102. Do you know if the songs available on PP2 will be accessible in the Roland Piano app without having to pay a subscription.
Hi, Phillippe. Thanks for your question. Piano Partner 2 is no longer supported by Roland so you should download the free Roland Piano App and use it instead. It will allow you to play all the built-in songs on your RP102 without a subscription. Of course, if you want to purchase a membership The Roland Cloud (for about $30/yr), you can access hundreds more songs. It’s up to you. Thanks for stopping by!
Hello. I would like to know how I can see the notation of an original song and how I would be able to print it out. I am enjoying all of the app’s features. Thank you.
Hi, Alexander! The Roland Piano App (unfortunately) doesn’t allow you to export your recordings. If you use the app to record your music, that music will stay on your mobile device with the app. If you want to export your music (and your piano has a USB flash drive port), record with the piano and save your file to the flash drive. Once there, you can email it, edit it or store it. Thanks for a great question!
Finally-someone who can answer our questions! Thank you, James!
My pleasure. Thanks for visiting our site!
Hi, can you tell me when the app will be able to connect to the FP-E50?
Hi, Mark. Thanks for stopping by. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s likely that the FP-E50 will be compatible with this app at any point in the future. This is a new model that came out when the app was already available. The fact that they didn’t connect the two at launch tells me they probably have no plans to. The E50 isn’t a traditional Roland piano. It’s part of the synthesizer section so it uses the Zen-Core system instead of Piano Reality or SuperNATURAL Piano Modeling. Wish I had better news!
If you look at the specs for the fp-e50 then the keyboard uses two sound engines. The Supernatural engine for classical and electric piano sounds + some organ sounds, and the Zen core for all the rest, of the voices.
So maybe it should work for the Supernatural engine?
That’s possible, but they have decided to focus on the Zen-Core instead of the SuperNATURAL one. That makes me think the app (which is designed for home pianos) won’t be compatible with this piano.
Hi, I have model HPi-7F piano. Wondering if it is compatible with latest app? Thanks!
Hi, Joseph! The Roland HPi-7F was one of my favorite models! It’s got a ton of great apps built in, but it came out before Bluetooth so it would have to connect to a tablet or phone via USB. That said, the Roland Piano App is not compatible with it. However, several other apps (like Piano Maestro, Piano Marvel, Play Along, Pianote, etc.) will. I hope that helps!
Hi James,
I am trying to connect my GP607 to the Roland Piano App. The bluetooth is on and paired with the piano but the Piano App doesn’t see my piano.
Please help.
Thank you.
Hi, Luba. It sounds like you’ve tried to connect your piano and the app outside the app. This won’t work. I would recommend “forgetting” (or unpairing) the piano on your mobile device, turning Bluetooth off on the mobile device, turning the piano off, and start things up in this order: 1) Make sure no other device is connected to your GP607 as you can only connect to one device at a time. 2) Turn piano on and make sure Bluetooth is ON onboard the piano. 3) Turn Bluetooth ON on your tablet. 4) Open The Roland Piano App. 5) Follow the app’s instructions to connect to the piano. 6) Go into the piano’s Functions menu (Brilliance and Ambience at the same time) and page over to Bluetooth. 7) Start pairing Bluetooth AUDIO. 8) On your mobile device, pair with the GP607 AUDIO connection. Now, you’ll be connected via MIDI with the GP607 connection (via the app) AND via AUDIO with the GP607 AUDIO connection (via the Bluetooth settings, etc.). You should also make sure your piano is updated with the latest firmware. That could cause problems as well. We haven’t had any connection problems here so it’s likely one of those issues. Best of luck!
Is it possible to transfer app recorded music (played with the piano), to another device? For example a PC. Or even better, is it possible to share those recordings via whatsapp or similar?
Hi, Ricardo. Thanks for stopping by! Unfortunately, The Roland Piano App is not designed to be a professional recorder. Recordings made in the app cannot be exported. If you want to record a song and transfer it to another app, you should record the song to your piano’s USB flash drive and then access it from there. If your piano doesn’t have a USB flash drive port, you can connect it to a computer via a “A” to “B” USB cable (ie – a printer cable). Plug the piano in and use Finale, Sibelius, Garage Band – whatever software you prefer. Then you can transfer it to other apps. Thanks for a great question!
Is there more lessons then flash card and play the note you heard? So much to learn about how to read music, staffs, when to use the pedal and finger placement. I got the piano tried the lessons but it was to advanced so I found on line stuff that helped me learn the basics of notes, how to read music. Finger placement I figure out when I find a song I want to learn with a video. It would be great if the piano app covered this.
Hi, Patti. Thanks for your question. The Roland Piano App offers digital flashcards for note reading and ear training. It also offers the One Week Master sub-app that helps you master a song each week. …but if you are trying to learn music theory, technique, etc… then you ought to look at Faber’s Piano Adventures Player or Pianote. Those apps are geared more towards teaching you how to play. Think of them as specialists where The Roland Piano App is more of a generalist.
Hi I can’t find the One Week Master tab
Hi, Tracey. It’s in the learning tab. More info here: https://youtu.be/Ga5WbXlI-1I?si=H2NE1pzsOWye-99o
Hi james i have just purchased a roland fp 60x digital piano and im quite happy with it so far. But i do have a problem after connecting the latest roland app, the problem is i cant control the volume of the app its
extremely loud and cuts the volume of the keyboard when the backing tracks are started.
Any suggestions?
Regards JIM
Hi, Jim. Thanks for your question. Here are two possible solutions for you in The Roland Piano App: 1 – Go into the “Accompaniment” section and scroll down to “Advanced Settings.” After pressing “Advanced Settings,” you should see a balance control. Moving the slider will make either the piano or the background sounds louder. Slide it to your desired level. If that doesn’t work, go into your piano settings (Press the Function button) and try turning the Song Volume down. If you’re playing MIDI files through the app, turn Song Volume SMF down. If you’re streaming audio files via Bluetooth, turn the AUX/Bluetooth Volume down. That should balance you out. Best of luck to you!
hi.. how can i save the music that i recorded and save or export to my flash drive? is there any app that i need to download and to click on. would appreciate if there is step by step instructions given.
Hi, Ling! Thanks for stopping by. Unfortunately, there is no way to export the music you’ve recorded in The Roland Piano App. They don’t offer that feature at this time. If you have a piano with a USB flash drive port, you can record to it using the buttons/icons onboard your piano. That’s the only way to do it. …or you can connect your piano to a computer directly via USB and use software on your computer to record what you play. Best of luck to you!
I would like to add my music to my library and see its chart music. How could I do that?
Hi, Alex. Thanks for stopping by. The app can only see music built into the piano or music saved in the piano’s internal memory. Depending on which model Roland you have, you can save your music to your internal memory and see it on the app. Otherwise, you might want to use a different app (like Silbelus, etc.).