[Updated 2/16/2023]  In October of 2022, Roland announced that they would be discontinuing support for their “Piano Every Day” app at the end of December, 2022.  Piano Every Day was the control app for the following Roland pianosLX708, LX706, LX705, HP704, HP702, RP701, F701, FP-90X, FP-60X and FP-30X.  In February of 2023, Roland announced that they would transition away from another popular app:  “Piano Partner 2.”  Piano Partner 2 was the control app for these Roland Pianos:  The HP-600 Series, RP-102, GP607, GP609.  This means that – as of February, 2023 – ALL current model Roland pianos and most recent (discontinued) models are now compatible with Roland’s powerful new app…

The new app is simply titled “The Roland Piano App” and it contains much of the functionality users enjoyed with “Piano Every Day” and “Piano Partner 2.”  Also free for iOS or Android, the new app has been completely redesigned to streamline the user experience and simplify operation.  There are two ways to navigate the app – scrolling down through the various modules or pressing the “sandwich menu” (three lines) in the upper right-hand corner.  This menu gives you quick access to the different modules.  “The Roland Piano App” will also add access to the “Roland Cloud” program – a feature popular with Roland stage keyboard and arranger users.  The cloud feature will include extra music (300 songs at launch) with interactive features, and a monthly fee starting at $2.99/mo.  Other changes include the ability to see high-resolution music in both portrait and landscape mode, the inclusion of a new “traditional” metronome, a built-in PDF copy of your piano’s user manual (when you register and sign in) and new graphics for the digital flashcards games.  Recording is also a bit different on this app as “The Roland Piano App” cannot see or manipulate files on a USB flash drive.  There are also four different folders onboard the app in which saved recordings can abide… so finding the song you are looking for can be a bit tricky.  Thankfully, naming and writing descriptions for your songs are vastly improved here.  That will help quite a bit.  The new app is available here for download.

Roland has said they are working on adding more music to the (primarily classical) “Roland Cloud” library, but there is no eta on that new music at this time.  …and – though users will no longer be able to purchase sheet music from Sheet Music Direct through the app – any previously purchased music will be transferable to the new app.

To help your transition, we have created a tutorial video detailing nearly all of the new app’s features.  Of course, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to help you!  Enjoy!