Can You Teach Yourself to Play the Piano?

Can You Teach Yourself to Play the Piano?

One of the questions I often hear in the piano business is “Can I teach myself how to play the piano?”  Whether you’re struggling to find room for piano lessons in your schedule or your budget, we have more – and better – options than ever for at-home learners.  Is a...
Kyrene Schools Piano Update:  Year One With Roland

Kyrene Schools Piano Update: Year One With Roland

Recently, I had the opportunity to interview Julie Hackmann from the Kyrene School District. Mrs. Hackmann is the Coordinator of Kyrene’s Visual and Performing Arts Department. It has been a year since her district replaced nearly all of their old school pianos with...
Tech Tools for Today’s Piano Teachers

Tech Tools for Today’s Piano Teachers

If you’ve been a piano teacher for any length of time, you’ve undoubtedly heard about countless “must have” teaching tools for your studio.  From flashcards to beanbags, from rhythm cups to theory games, and from play-a-long CDs to MIDI files – you’ve seen it all!  Of...
Making Music with MIDI

Making Music with MIDI

Purchasing a hybrid piano, a player piano, or a digital piano opens up exciting options for both the hobbyist and professional piano player thanks to a technology called MIDI. If you’re not familiar with MIDI, check out our article “What is MIDI and Why Should You...
Refreshing Your Piano Recitals

Refreshing Your Piano Recitals

On June 9, 1840, Franz Liszt hosted a concert in Mayfair, London’s Hanover Square Rooms.  The performance was part of a two-concert series advertised as “Liszt’s PianoForte Recitals.”  History records this as the first “piano recital.”  …but you might be surprised to...