Finding Funds for Your Piano Program

Finding Funds for Your Piano Program

Without a doubt, one of the greatest challenges for music educators, administrators and college deans is finding funds for musical equipment. With dwindling budgets, failing gear and all those field trips, concert tours, performances, visiting artists, and so much...
The Five Levels of Yamaha Grand Pianos

The Five Levels of Yamaha Grand Pianos

Yamaha has been a premier piano manufacturer for many years, providing grand pianos for major artists, concert halls, institutions, and homes.  But, did you know that there are actually five levels of baby grand pianos and grand pianos they produce?  It’s true! The...
Dealing with Donated Pianos

Dealing with Donated Pianos

Have a Piano to Donate? Donated pianos are a part of life in institutions around the world.  Those of us who are lucky enough to own a piano know that pianos are often passed on from one generation to the next.  They almost become a part of the family. There comes a...
Why Schools and Churches Use Digital Pianos

Why Schools and Churches Use Digital Pianos

The piano manufacturing industry has long been challenged with producing pianos that will hold up well under institutional usage. Unlike the average home piano owner, K-12 schools, colleges, universities, and houses of worship use their pianos many hours daily.  They...
The Ultimate Praise Band Piano

The Ultimate Praise Band Piano

After four years of music ministry training in college and over a decade leading children, youth, and adults in worship at a variety of different churches, I have seen just about every praise band piano out there.  …and, in all honesty, I haven’t liked any of them....