Which Pianos Hold Their Value?

Which Pianos Hold Their Value?

In 2019, a number of piano buyers sued Steinway & Sons for actively marketing their pianos as “investments” that would increase in value over time.  Steinway owners claimed they were shown graphs and factory-authorized marketing literature that indicated Steinway...
Where Should I Put My Piano?

Where Should I Put My Piano?

One of the first questions piano shoppers have to consider when they decide to buy a piano is “where should I put my piano?”.  Should it be upstairs or down?  Is it ok in a bedroom or should it be in a family room?  Can it sit against an outside wall or near a window?...
Why Your Retirement Community Needs a Piano

Why Your Retirement Community Needs a Piano

Retirement – or life in a retirement community – is a fact of life for many of us as we age.  The question is – how can we make retirement life better?  25 years ago this month, my grandfather passed away from Alzheimer’s. While modern medicine has made great strides...